After lesson 1, your account is all set up and you have added all your contacts to EngageMessage. Just before starting to send emails out, think about who you are sending the message to.
When the right message is sent to the right people at the right time, it will deliver the best result. There are ways to help you group your contacts and make sure the message is sent o the right people.
In this article, we will cover the following aspects:
Manage contacts with tags - tags let you identify your contacts and group them together. It will help you send targeted messages to different groups and drive better results.
Manage contacts with segments - identify specific groups of interests, so you can send them targeted messages.
#1. Manage Contacts With Tags
Adding tags is a great way for you to manage your contact list. Tags let you identify your contacts and group them together. You can segment your contacts by grouping contacts with tags. It will help you send targeted messages to different groups and drive better results.
#2. Manage Contacts With Segments
EngageMeesage lets you filter and segment important groups of users, so you can send them targeted messages. For example, you could create a segment of loyal customers and send them special promotions, or you could create a segment of VIP customers, shopping mums, or whatever you like.